Pilot aflevering van Mr.Robot geflaged voor copyright schending in Canada

RDJ134 4 september 2015 om 17:00 uur

De DMCA is totaal door geslagen, want ook de pilot aflevering van Mr.Robot voor Canada is nu geflagged als copyright schending. Hier door is deze niet te vinden via Google en dat is een grote bummer voor de fans die dit willen zien. De website Torrentfreak heeft er een heel artikel over en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een klein stukje lezen.

The Canadian launch of Mr Robot scheduled for Friday evening has been dealt an early blow. Showtime in Canada is currently offering the pilot episode on its website to tempt users in advance, but NBCUniversal in the U.S. has reported Showtime as pirates and Google has taken the search link down.

After enjoying huge success in the United States, this Friday evening Mr Robot will finally get its Canadian premiere on Showcase. And, in line with the U.S. strategy, Canadian geeks have already been given the opportunity to have an advance sneak preview of the pilot episode on Showcase.ca and ETCanada.com.

However, those attempting to use Google to find the pilot won't be able to do so directly. Quite unbelievably, NBCUniversal in the United States have reported Showcase to Google, claiming that the copy of the pilot on the broadcaster's website is illegal.
