Zes dingen die Dead Rising 2 erg..bizar maakt

RDJ134 8 oktober 2010 om 19:00 uur

Dead Rising 2 ligt ondertussen alweer een kleine twee weken in de winkels voor de PC, PlayStation 3 en de Xbox 360. Maar als je even de zombies buiten beschouwing laat en de game sceptisch bekijkt, dan zal je zien dat er een hoop rare dingen gebeuren. Daarom heeft Cracked.com deze lijst gemaakt, en gek genoeg hebben ze met een aantal dingen groot gelijk. Want....:

#5.Mental Retardation

Chuck has serious brain problems. Besides killing zombies with stupid weapons, his main motivation is keeping his daughter Katey safe. So being a genius, he locks her in a bunker with every random lunatic that he finds in the mall. By the end of the game, Katey is sharing a room with hookers, zombie bite victims, thieves, bombers, strippers and one man-eating tiger. She would have been safer if he just tied her outside to a sign that said, "DO NOT EAT. Fatter children ahead."

Chuck's special needs might not be genetic, though. As I was fighting in a night club, I fed him three beers and watched helplessly as he vomited uncontrollably for the next few minutes. Puking after three beers? You know what that means -- this guy must have already been hammered. Then after he finished throwing up, Chuck pulled a gun out of a suicidal stranger's mouth and took him to the safe house to babysit his daughter. Holy shit, not even Andrew W.K. parties that hard. Chuck's going to wake up tomorrow and say, "Oh man, I drank so much that my daughter is in three separate plastic bags!"
