Michael Fassbender keert terug in Prometheus 2

RDJ134 15 september 2015 om 23:30 uur

Ridley Scott maakte pas geleden bekend dat de opnames voor Prometheus 2 begin 2016 van start gaan, en we dus met een beetje geluk ergens in 2017 dit lang verwachte vervolg in de bioscopen kunnen zien. Nu had de website Deadline een erg lang interview met hem en daar in vertelde hij dat ook dat Michael Fassbender weer terug zal keren als de robot David en zal Noomi Rapace terug komen in de rol van Elizabeth Shaw.

"You can either say, leave the first film alone and jump ahead, but you can't because it ends on too specific a plot sentence as she says, I want to go where they came from, I don't want to go back to where I came from. I thought the subtext of that film was a bit florid and grandiose, but it asks a good question: who created us? I don't think we are here by accident. I find it otherwise hard to believe you and I are sitting here at this table, because the molecular miracles that would have had to occur were in the trillions, since the first sign of human life that crawled out of the mud with four fingers, would bloody well be impossible, unless there was some guidance system. Also, you have the sun approximately the same distance from earth as it is from maybe millions of planets and planetoids that are almost identical distance and therefore enjoy the value of sunlight on their soil. Are you telling me there are no other planets with human life? I simply don't believe it.

"That raises the question to me, same as was depicted in 2001 when that object comes hurtling through space, and lands in Ethiopia. And an ape that had been grubbing around in the water hole with all of them bickering at each other, goes up and touches it. He has a bigger thought injected into his brain than Newton got sitting under a tree and seeing an apple fall. Stanley then picks something metaphorically poetic in its violence, as the ape picks up a hip bone and brains the anteater so they can eat him. That is one gigantic, magnificent leap of a thousand years of evolution; that is where the world begins. It is pretty grand thinking, and that's what I want to explore. You've got to go back and find those engineers and see what they are thinking. If engineers are the forerunners of us, and therefore were creators of life forms in places that were possible for biology to function, who created that? Where's the big boy? You think this was all an accident? I don't know."
