Bruce Campbell over Ash vs Evil Dead en alles wat er bij komt kijken

RDJ134 1 november 2015 om 14:00 uur

Normaal gesproken had ik vannacht een serie reminder gemaakt voor Ash vs Evil Dead, maar de echte vaste bezoekers en fans hadden de datum voor de eerste aflevering al in hun arm gekerfd. Nu had Bruce Campbell een interview met de website Collider en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

Collider: Could you ever have imagined, when you first started playing this character, that you would still be here, playing him and talking about him on his own TV show?

: No, how could we? We didn't think we'd finish the first movie. It was four years of stopping and starting, and stopping and starting. It was a long, grueling road. We had no idea.

Did you ever think you'd play a character that could grow with you, throughout your life?

No. How would you know that? Ash was dead. Who knew that we would resurrect him? There was no way to predict it. You just go with the flow, as an actor.
