Roger Murray over maken van de demoon Eligos in Ash vs Evil Dead *SPOILERS*

RDJ134 16 november 2015 om 21:00 uur

Wie de derde aflevering van Ash vs Evil Dead heeft gezien, heeft ook kennis gemaakt met the little mouse demon Eligos die Ash oproept en... die voor chaos zorgt. Het uiterlijk voor dit karakter is gemaakt door special effect artiest Roger Murray, die een interview had met de website Collider en StarZ deed daar ook twee hele vette high-res foto's bij. Any way, hier onder kan je alvast een stukje lezen uit het artikel.

How exactly was Eligos pitched to you? What's the process of finding out what monster you have to create next?

: Eligos grew from an early script that described him as being a faceless demon. The producers wanted something horrific with extra sensory perception. They wanted him to look like he came from another dimension. During pre-production meetings we get "beat sheets" or draft scripts of upcoming episodes. From those early drafts, we can signpost key beats of horror and any demons, creatures, specialized rigs or puppets. I spend a lot of time with producers talking about upcoming creatures and how we can make them unique and horrible in the short timeframes.

Are there any limitations to what you can create, maybe due to budget or making something too grotesque?

Everything we make has to fit into the schedule for a fast turnaround TV show. That's the limitation because it has a set budget and timeframe. That also is the art of it, to get something fun, horrific and new for each episode. We haven't been told that anything is too grotesque yet. Maybe in Season 2, but I very much doubt it! Starz has a pretty high ceiling for letting us go to the extremes.
