Oops de nieuwe Kinect doet het niet meer

RDJ134 28 oktober 2010 om 23:59 uur

Ben Gilbert van Joystiq.com kreeg alvast een Kinect motion controller met de game Kinectimals en verheugde zich op een digitale snoezel sessie met de knuffelbeesten. Maar hij kwam na een verplichte update er achter dat er nog een update nodig was die nog niet online is. Dus hij zal net als de rest van de wereld moeten wachten tot 4 november, want dan ligt deze gadget in de winkels.

Perhaps you've received Kinect and an early copy of Kinectimals? "Lucky me!" you might say to yourself, thinking of all the tiger petting you're about to get into. You plug in the Kinect, pop in the game tape, and the Xbox prompts you with an update. "Of course!" you say. "For this crazy camera thing I just got!"

Without thinking, you hit "Continue" -- and that's where everything goes wrong. You see, the update it pulls down isn't the most recent. After updating and upon signing into Xbox Live, your newly updated system will tell you that it needs to be updated again, but here's the catch: That update will fail (see above pic). Without that update, you won't be able to sign onto Xbox Live.

Since Kinect (nor its games) isn't officially available until next week, the latest Microsoft could publicly release the Kinect Dashboard update is November 4. This means you're stuck with an early version of the new Dashboard -- without Xbox Live functionality, not to mention Kinect -- until the update becomes available in the next week or so. Hopefully you like couch co-op!
