Top tien van onderschatte slasher films

RDJ134 29 oktober 2010 om 16:10 uur

Het is vrijdag einde van de week en bijna Halloween, en daarom zal je de aankomende dagen dood worden gegooid met horror films, feiten en andere shit. Zo heeft de website Topless Robot een top tien gemaakt van slasher films die onderschat zijn, onze favoriet is geworden:

3) Jerry Blake, The Stepfather 1-2

If you liked seeing Terry O'Quinn struggle with his sanity as Locke on Lost, you're love The Stepfather flicks which he did in the late '80s. O'Quinn plays Jerry Blake, a hard-nosed killer who's M.O. Involves meting a nice lady with kids, becoming part of the family and then brutally murdering them when they don't live up to his standards. The opening scene from the first movie and his later freakouts show just how crazy Blake is, that and all the innocent people he murders to keep his little family "happy." We haven't seen the remake or the O'Quinn-less third movie and have no plans to.
