Elizabeth Henstridge & Iain De Caestecker over Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

RDJ134 23 maart 2016 om 16:00 uur

De namen Elizabeth Henstridge en Iain De Caesteckerzullen je waarschijnlijk weinig zeggen, maar deze acteurs spelen in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. de rollen van Jemma Simmons en Leo Fitz. Beiden hadden recent een interview met de website Collider en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje lezen en let op SPOILERS!!

Question: Elizabeth, how will Simmons feel, if and when she discovers that a version of Ward is still out there and that the thing that terrorized her is still in play?

: I think she's going to feel so guilty because it was her that aided that all to happen. If she hadn't gotten sucked into the monolith and been on that planet, and if Fitz hadn't risked everything to save her, he would never be back here. She didn't think Ward could get any worse, but he did, and it's her fault, in a way. She definitely feels guilt for that.

Iain, will there be more discussion between Fitz and Coulson both being killers on that planet?

: They have a secret, in a weird way. I'm sure that will be explored somehow. He saw a side of Coulson that he probably had never seen before.
