Director Andrew Stanton en Producer Lindsey Collins over Finding Dory

RDJ134 8 april 2016 om 16:00 uur

Finding Dory is het langverwachte vervolg op Finding Nemo dat 2003 verscheen en in 2013 nog in 3D terug keerde in de bioscopen. Maar na twaalf jaar is dan eindelijk het vervolg er en daar in staat Dory het vergeet achtige visje centraal. Want deze wilt graag weten wie ze eigenlijk is, waar ze vandaan komt en hoe het komt dat ze met walvissen kan praten. Uiteraard helpen Marlin en Nemo en andere bekende uit de eerste film haar op epische zoektocht. Nu had de website Collider dit interview met de director Andrew Stanton en Producer Lindsey Collins, waar van je hier onder alvast een klein stukje kan lezen.

Question: We were just talking to the people that created Hank, super awesome, but I said at the end, "You guys are working on this character before the story's even broken." So, they said you basically just put an octopus on a wall. So where did that idea come from? You talked a bit yesterday about going for the Dory movie, but how do you sort of populate out from that?

Is the question how did we come up with Hank or?

Like, because you said, how did you know you want an octopus in this movie?

: You know, it's really not sexy but when I started on Nemo, I, a little bit of a tangent, but I didn't know where to start, the ocean's a big, big place. So I just started making a list, what are things I'd like to see? Jellyfish forest sounds fun, submarine underwater wreck, anglerfish, and it just became this kind of list of cool stuff, pure spectacle. And then as I went through the storyline trying to figure out stuff, you kind of have this little limited toolbox to pull from. It was sort of the same thing here, it wasn't that clean, but there's a lot of species that's left on the table that we either tried or didn't get to try on the first movie that now you get to expand upon and kind of explore. That's where the Toy Story sequels came from, it was just all this stuff that was left on the cutting room floor. By the time we got to Toy Story 2, between the two movies we'd done at least five features' worth of ideas. And that's a lot of material, so to feel like you're sitting there trying to compare yourself to the first movie, you're just going, "Oh, can I start working with this fertile stuff from just the desire to be in this world?" And it's the same thing with Nemo.

LINDSEY COLLINS: And the minute you knew -

You couldn't even say the word octopus on Nemo.
