Show Runer Dave Erickson over seizoen 2 van Fear The Walking Dead

RDJ134 11 april 2016 om 13:00 uur

Afgelopen nacht is in Amerika het tweede seizoen van Fear The Walking Dead van start gegaan en begint er de nodige PR rond om deze serie op gang te komen. Zo had de website Collider een interview met de showrunner Dave Erickson waar van je hier onder alvast een stukje kan lezen, en die verteld over nieuwe wegen in slaan met de serie en het zombie genre.

Can you talk about the boat vs. land aspect of this season and as a storyteller how you want to use that? Will land be a point of refuge, or will it be a reminder that there is no refuge?

It's a mixture of both. I think once, there was something to me about - it wasn't my pitch, we always knew we were going to make it to the coast, but the decision to drive up the coast or go north or south, it was David Wiener who pitched the boat originally and I think going way, way back, I think Robert had this idea before anything started. But I think there's something, for me personally, being stuck in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight is incredibly upsetting and isolating.


The idea for me was creating that sort of defcon sense of fear and anxiety. And especially in a situation where you are not certain of the people on the boat with you, you come to realize there are potential threats from other people on the water, you know you can't go back home again, and it lends itself to an aspiration as to where we are going to go and where is safe? Strangely, by disconnecting ourselves from land I think it amps that up in an interesting way. And also, visually, to see the seascape, it was one of the reasons Robert pitched LA in the first place. In terms of the geography and the topography, you had access to deserts and mountains and the sea. I think that, no matter what happened I always wanted to hold onto the pacific, we just ended up in a position where we could actually be on the water.
