Kinect heeft problemen met donkere mensen

RDJ134 4 november 2010 om 17:38 uur

Het is niet dat de Kinect lid is geworden van de Klux Kluk Klan, maar de controller schijnt een probleem te hebben met mensen die een donkere huidskleur heeft. Want sommige mensen die een donkere huid hebben worden simpelweg niet herkend door de camera, dit is een probleem waar de webcams (video)van HP ook al last van had.

While testing out the Kinect, two dark-skinned GameSpot employees experienced problems with the system's facial recognition abilities. The system recognized one employee inconsistently, while it was never able to properly identify the other despite repeated calibration attempts. However, Kinect had no problems identifying a third dark-skinned GameSpot employee, recognizing his face after a single calibration. Lighter-skinned employees were also consistently picked up on the first try.

It's important to note that the problems were only experienced with the system's facial recognition feature, and don't prevent users from playing Kinect games. Skeletal tracking, a primary means of controlling games with Kinect, appeared to work the same for all GameSpot employees.
