Aaron Stanford over de seasoen 2 finale van 12 Monkeys *SPOILERS*

RDJ134 12 mei 2016 om 00:52 uur

12 Monkeys is echt pure science fiction die letterlijk een hele nieuwe dimensie geeft aan het Tijdreis genre in TV series. Want het houd zich niet vast aan de standaard cliche regels, maar slaat een hele nieuwe weg in die je niet even heel erg makkelijk kan uitleggen. In deze TV serie speelt Aaron Stanford (Die met Nikita zijn geek credits heeft verdiend) de hoofdrol en deze had een interview met de website Collider, waar onder andere de season finale van het tweede seizoen ter sprake kwam. Dus.. SPOILERS!!

As these characters have realized that there doesn't seem to be any one clear solution, and that stopping one event just leads to it happening in a different time or place, or a different way, how difficult is it for them to stay driven and focused on completing a mission that seems like it may never have an end?

: It's very difficult. The mission is beginning to fall apart. Their cohesion is beginning to fall apart, and it's because of all of the frustrations and because of all of the repeated failures, and the discovery that all of these people are motivated by their own different personal grievances and wrongs that they want to right and people that they want to save. It gets to a point where things are almost certainly going to implode, and that's when Cole makes the decision to take leadership of the group, essentially, because no one else is there to do it.

Without giving anything away, when you read the script for the Season 2 finale and you learned how everything would come together, what was your reaction?

What happens at the end of this season has been in the works for a long time, so that wasn't a complete surprise to me. What I was surprised and really delighted by was the execution. I think it's done really well and artfully, and I think people are really going to be very satisfied by how it ends.
