Brandon Routh over Legends of Tommorow en video games

RDJ134 18 mei 2016 om 22:22 uur

Brandon Routh schittert op dit ogenblik in Legends of Tommorow en was eerder te zien in Arrow en de geflopte tien jaar film Superman Returns die niet eens zo heel erg slecht was. Nu had de website Collider een interview met hem en daar kwam ook ter sprake dat hij een hele grote gamer is en dat maakt deze man alleen nog meer held voor ons.

Collider: For those of us who know nothing about the gaming world, what can you say about what DC Universe Online is, what made you want to get involved, and what interested you in the whole concept of it?

: Well, I've been a gamer since the invention of the Nintendo, and I've played massive multi-player online role-playing games, like Warcraft. I'm a big fan of the immersive quality of these games. You can create your own character and take them through leveling them up and having those experiences. You can have a little bit of escapism, but also live in a world that doesn't truly exist right now. So, I'm a fan of that style of game play. Now that I've been two superheroes in the DC Universe, it's even more fun to be a part of this, in a different way, and play through the game, and play alongside other heroes and fight the villains that exist in the DC Universe. One of the cool things for me, that I enjoy, is just the character creation process, where you're either a hero or a more villainous character, and giving them abilities, deciding what their suit is going to look like, what their powers are going to be, and what their name is going to be. It really brings you into the whole gaming process. And with DCUO, it's incredibly detailed, from what you're wearing to hair color and eye color to how big of a character you want to be, physically to your abilities and how you get your powers. It's a really cool thing to live through. You can create your own superhero, which pretty much all of us have dream about for all of our lives.

Since you were a part of the gaming world before you became a part of the DC Universe, how much cooler is it for you now?

: Movies and television shows are made from games, all the time, and games are being made from comic book properties or TV shows. It's all intertwined in the DC Universe. I had an opportunity to be a part of a Superman game, back when Superman Returns came out. I voiced the character, and that was a really cool way of getting into the character and understanding what Superman is and has been throughout the years, and what he means to people. And this is another way of seeing how myself and other fans can live out their superhero dreams and just get away from the craziness that exists in life sometimes. What's so cool about DC and the universe that's been created, over all these years, is that there are different ways to live out your ideas about superheroes. This is a raw, physical way, 'cause you can get really button jammy with the controller and get out some of your frustrations, and it can be cathartic to beat up other characters in the game.
