Fox steelt YouTube clip en laat deze vervolgens offline halen

RDJ134 20 mei 2016 om 21:01 uur

Veel retro gamers hadden afgelopen week een mooi moment toen in een aflevering van Family Guy de NES games Tecmo Bowl en Double Dribble te zien waren. Alleen dit heeft nu een bittere na smaak gekregen, want de laatst genoemde game video was gewoon door Fox en Family Guy van Youtube (waar deze al negen jaar stond) gestolen en de kreeg de maker er een copyright strike van Fox. Wat absurd is en een vreselijke naaistreek om waarschijnlijk op deze manier geen geld aan de maker te moeten betalen. Het volledige verhaal kan je hier lezen op de website Torrentfreak en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

This week's episode of Family Guy included a clip from 1980s Nintendo video game Double Dribble showing a glitch to get a free 3-point goal. Fox obtained the clip from YouTube where it had been sitting since it was first uploaded in 2009. Shortly after, Fox told YouTube the game footage infringed its copyrights. YouTube took it down.

Perhaps surprisingly the game glitch is absolutely genuine and was documented in a video that was uploaded to YouTube by a user called 'sw1tched' back in February 2009.

"This is an automatic shot my brothers and I found on the NES Double Dribble back in the 80's when it was released. I know others know this also, but as long as you release at the right point it is automatic. The half court shot I took at the end goes in 80% of the time, but i didn't want to keep recording....HAHA," sw1tched wrote.

Interestingly the clip that was uploaded by sw1tched was the exact same clip that appeared in the Family Guy episode on Sunday. So, unless Fox managed to duplicate the gameplay precisely, Fox must've taken the clip from YouTube.

Whether Fox can do that and legally show the clip in an episode is a matter for the experts to argue but what followed next was patently absurd. Shortly after the Family Guy episode aired, Fox filed a complaint with YouTube and took down the Double Dribble video game clip on copyright grounds.
