Serie Reminder: Scream seizoen 2 is begonnen en interview met de makers

RDJ134 31 mei 2016 om 16:24 uur

MTV verassde vorig jaar vriend en vijand met de TV serie Scream die was gebaseerd op de bekende Wes Craven films. Het was (te) hip, snel, bloederig en kregen we totaal geen gore te zien, wat heel erg jammer was. De millennials en alle andere nieuwe hippe kids vonden het de shit, en is de show afgelopen nacht in de US van start gegaan, en dat was dan ook de reden waarom de website Collider dit interview had met de showrunners Michael Gans en Richard Register die nu verantwoordelijk zijn voor het nieuwe seizoen.

How tricky is it to balance the horror with the humor?

REGISTER: The movie franchise was legitimately horrifying and legitimately funny, at the same time. You're always trying to make sure that you're knocking people off, all the time, so that you don't know what to expect, and they use comedy in that way. You're like, "Why am I laughing at this? I shouldn't be laughing." Same with the romance. You're using it to keep the audience guessing. You're constantly spinning that wheel.

How will the gore compare this season? Do you go bigger and bloodier, or do you have to get more creative?

GANS: We go a little wild. I think we take it beyond just the blade. The way that people die is theatrical without being campy, in any way, shape or form. It's very real and very frightening. Whoever is doing this is doing it for the world to see. There's a big presentation about it that's happening. It's careful, violent, strange and perverse. That's the way we go to it. We're big fans of murder and horror stuff, in general, so it's also real. It's not based on actual events, but on the knowledge you gain from actual murders. As a piece, it's metaphoric and a sexy morality play, on a lot of levels.

REGISTER: This killer is completely wicked.

GANS: And the violence is extreme.
