Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Introducing Contracts and Blackjack

RDJ134 10 juni 2016 om 17:47 uur

14 juni aanstaande zal Call Of Duty: Black Ops III (recensie) een kleine update met grote gevolgen gaan krijgen. Want je krijgt nu dagelijkse contracten die hele vette en unieke spullen opbrengen en je kan als BlackJack spelen, en dat is de gast die de baas van de Black Market is. Hoe en wat kan je allemaal hier onder lezen en zien in de bij behorende video. Eerlijk is eerlijk deze titel die een shit verhaal heeft, krijgt wel hele dikke online support.

Sign the dotted line and you're on your way. Introducing Daily & Weekly Contracts, the newest way to earn free in-game rewards in the Black Market. Complete Daily Contracts for Cryptokey rewards, and take on Weekly Contracts for even more Cryptokeys as well as special Mercenary Contracts to activate the newest playable character for a limited gameplay time: Blackjack, the Black Market vendor himself.

Blackjack has access to unique talents as a mercenary. Rogue allows Blackjack to access the weapon of each Specialist he kills, while Gambler overclocks Blackjack's power systems to activate a random Ability from his Specialist deck at an accelerated rate.

In addition to the arrival of Daily and Weekly Contracts, Special Contracts are currently available, starting with a free guaranteed Weapon Bribe and 10X Rare Supply Drops for earning 75 wins.

Contracts are available in the Black Market for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on June 14, 2016.
