Vijf film Creatures die je aan het denken zetten *spoilers*

RDJ134 12 november 2010 om 19:45 uur

Bij de meeste horror en science fiction films dienen de 'creaturen' als de bad guy of als knal voer, maar wie wat nuchter naar de fims kijkt zal vaak ook de andere kant van ze zien. Daarbij zijn King Kong en Frankenstein (ongeachte welke versie) een heel erg mooi voorbeeld van. Maar de website nu deze top vijf gemaakt en daar staat ook op:

4. Splice (2010)

Every best-of list has to have all of the classic examples, and a contemporary example or two thrown in. Splice explores the ethics of human cloning, organ growing, abortion, and the very definition of life as we know it. After a disastrous public demonstration involving lab-grown organisms (with lots of blood and death), Clive and Elsa (Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, respectively)--two scientists, romantically involved--secretly introduce human DNA into their experiments. Quickly, it grows into a new life-form. They dub the creature Dren ("nerd" backwards) and try to raise it in secret, eventually taking it to Elsa's childhood farm. The inescapable (and, for most, uncomfortable) chain of sex, birth, adolescence, puberty, and, again, sex is explored in unflinching detail. Dren grows from a cute sort-of human to an unmanageable monster--complete with a stinger on her tale and wings. Then, she changes into a male. Shit gets real--and real fast. The make-you-think aspects are pretty obvious. Dren never asked to be born. She (or it) is an experiment that should've never occurred. But once she/it was created, killing her (can we just say her?)--even as a zygote--raises huge ethical quandaries. And then, once Clive and Elsa suspect she may be dangerous, they're in too deep to just kill Dren outright. They've raised her like a child and neither wants to let her go. But by that time, it's too late. Dren has become a teenage monster in the midst of the nastiest puberty anyone's ever seen. And, Clive and Elsa have to deal with the fallout--with only themselves to blame.
