5 Movie Villains Who Were Completely Right The Whole Time

RDJ134 21 juli 2016 om 00:00 uur

In veel films die we kijken zien we hoe er villains zijn die onze held of heldin het leven zuur maken. Maar, als je uit een ander perspectief kijkt, kunnen deze wel eens helden zijn en gelijk hebben met wat ze doen. De website Cracked.com heeft hier nu deze top vijf over gemaakt, en daar staat ook E.T. op die ik nu nooit meer op een normale manier zal kunnen zien.

#3. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial -- The Government Agents Acted Like Goddamn Princes

The Assholes:

The government agents in E.T. invade young Elliott Taylor's home, place his family on house-arrest, and try to steal Elliott's alien pal E.T. for dissection. Later, they try to stop the kid from taking E.T. to the mothership so he can return to his planet. If you grew up in the '80s and distrust the government, it's probably due to equal parts E.T. and, well, just paying attention to the government.

But Wait ...

Honestly, these might be the most competent government workers ever seen on film. Let's start with the fact that they are incredibly prepared for a potentially hostile extraterrestrial touchdown and arrive there, like, three minutes after the aliens themselves. Then, not only do they avoid hurting anyone, they actually notice one of the aliens is missing, search diligently for it, and find it. It would have taken Fox Mulder eight seasons to do the same thing.

As for the scene where they invade Elliott's house: remember, both E.T. and the boy are sick at that point.

The government does everything they can to save both their lives -- they even set up an ER in Elliott's living room so that the boy can be treated in his own home instead of being kidnapped to some top secret facility! That's what we call putting our tax dollars to work, baby.

Then, when E.T. (temporarily) dies, they share genuine sorrow with Elliott and plan to study the dead body for the education of everyone, because why wouldn't they? It's just donating a body to science at that point. When Elliott's brother steals their truck and important alien specimen (which was still just an ugly corpse, as far as the government knows), they showed incredible restraint by not blowing them to smithereens. In fact, they ultimately don't harm anyone, or stop E.T. from going home. The government boss guy, Keys, even offers support to Elliott's mom while she goes through the nerve-wracking experience of watching her kid hug it out with a talking shit emoji.
