Zes reden waarom Fallout: New Vegas een slecht mens van je maakt

RDJ134 17 november 2010 om 19:17 uur

Fallout: New Vegas is een hele brute titel, maar deze kan ook nadelig op je real live werken. Althans dit word door de website Cracked.com op een humoristische wijze gedaan. Deze heeft een top zes gemaakt die je laat zien wat je leert in New Vegas niet goed past in het echte leven.

I Am Utterly Shameless

That son of a bitching Thirst Gauge: You can go days without food and sleep, but one sneeze and all that's left of you is a little Star Trek-esque pile of minerals. Now combine that with being a serious alcoholic in the nuclear Mojave desert, and that means you're drinking. A lot. But later in the game you get your own hotel suite, complete with bathroom, and therefore water source. However, it is laid out in such a way that, upon entering the little alcove, the toilet is immediately to your left, and the sink is just beyond it. At first I tried to pretend like I was a real human being with integrity and inherent value, but the truth soon won out: If there were no health consequences and I didn't have to taste it, I would drink out of the toilet provided that it was two feet closer to the door.

And it's not like your character is alone in that suite: Every one of your companions is also there, milling about, reflecting on the dangers they've faced so far, the fleeting value of human life in this ruined world, wishing they'd spent more time with their loved ones, and occasionally pausing to chase the messiah of the wastes out of the bathroom because somebody forgot to put the seat down.

If I'd Realized This About Myself Sooner:

Well, sure, it's only two measly feet further to the sink - but that shit adds up. I've crunched the numbers. Over my lifetime, cutting out those two feet would have saved me roughly 500 foot miles. Which would you rather do: Walk five hundred blistering miles, or drink just a little bit of toilet water? Yeah, that's what I thought. Glass houses, motherfucker. Glass. Houses.
