Bruce Campbell over Ash vs Evil Dead seizoen 1 & 2

RDJ134 31 augustus 2016 om 01:50 uur

De website Coming Soon had een exclusief interview met niemand minder dan Bruce Campbell over het eerste en aankomende tweede seizoen van Ash vs Evil Dead. Daar in komen de opnames, roem en andere dingen ter sprake en beantwoord Bruce de vragen op zijn eigenwijze manier. Dus checken en hier onder kan je alvast een stukje lezen.

CS: You guys have definitely pushed the gore element, but was there ever anything in either the writing stage or the editing stage that you decided to leave out, not because it was necessarily too violent, but because it wasn't in the spirit of the "Evil Dead"?

: We did that for every reason. One, we don't have the rights to it. Two, we don't think it works for that story. Three, it's too expensive. Four, it's too outrageous. Five, it's the wrong tone. You know what I mean? So the scripts have to go through a vetting process, and then we shoot them, and even when you shoot them, you're still vetting. You're still changing. It's not fixed. I look at this process as being completely fluid from the time Joe Blow enters the first keystroke to the time the mixer puts the fade out on the soundtrack. That's how we worked.
