6 Mistakes Every Gamer Makes When They Play Online

RDJ134 21 september 2016 om 18:00 uur

Online spelen is leuk met de juiste mensen, maar met een zooi vreemden is het altijd doffe ellende en kan het voorkomen dat jij zelf een storende factor in de groep bent. Daar over gaat dit artikel van de website Cracked.com en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

#4. You're Raging at a Noob

Look, I get it. The game you're playing would be going well, but there's this one goddamn guy. He just can't get his ass out of his head, or verse-visa. Maybe he's playing as a healer, but keeps trying to fight. Or maybe he's supposed to be doing damage, but spends the whole game hiding in back. Bottom line is this: He's stupid and he sucks, and it's making you mad, and you figure it's time to let him know -- after all, you've endured a lot of abuse. Maybe it's time to dish it out.

Why Everyone Hates You

It may very well be true that L33tFighter2002 is a total noob and has screwed your game. And it might be true that "2002" refers to the year he was born, which somehow makes it worse. But it's just as true that you, and everyone else reading this article, has at some point been that noob. It's impossible for it to be otherwise. Video game play is a skill that is developed over time, so everybody has sucked at least once. So if you're freaking out at the one guy who sucks, I promise that everyone else in that game thinks you're kind of a dick.

If that's not convincing, think about it this way: Why scream at this guy when you could instead be concentrating on pwning noobs? Rare is the player who is so incompetent that they make winning impossible. You can still pull your team out of this, but only if you stop raging. So in the darkest moments, when you are all but consumed by the fury within, simply close your eyes and remember these words:

Rage consumes energy. Energy that should be channeled into pwning noobs. Your allies cannot be noobs, for noobs exist only to be pwnd, and you cannot pwn your own team. So your enemies are the only noobs you can pwn, and therefore the only noobs who matter. So go forth, my friend. Go forth and pwn noobs.
