Showrunners Eric Kripke & Shawn Ryan over Timeless

RDJ134 4 oktober 2016 om 00:00 uur

Deze nacht zal in de US de science fiction serie Timeless van start gaan, waar in een villain een hightech tijdreis machine steelt en een groepje helden er achter aan gaan in een prototype. Het klinkt cheesy, maar het concept is erg leuk uitgewerkt. De website Collider had een interview met Showrunners Eric Kripke & Shawn Ryan over deze nieuwe show en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

This show has big, fun adventure and some really interesting character development. How do you find that balance, especially working on this with each other?

: Shawn and I are peanut butter and chocolate.

SHAWN RYAN: Eric and I have the potential to make one of the worst shows on TV, if you take my worst habits and combine them with his worst habits. But fortunately, I try to bring my best habits and he's definitely brought his best habits. It's been a really interesting partnership. We have two different approaches, and we found a way that works for both for us. It's really nice to have a creative partner as smart and accomplished as [Eric]. Also, this production is so difficult. Pulling off what we're trying to pull off, creating a different world each week and a different time period each week, has logistical aspects that would be very difficult to pull off, as a single showrunner. This is a show that requires two experienced showrunners, and we're still barely keeping our noses above water. So far, the experience has been one of wonder, one of excitement, and one of apprehension at the size of the task in front of us, which mirrors what our main three characters are going through, in many ways.
