Melissa Benoist over Supergirl seizoen 2 en Superman

RDJ134 11 oktober 2016 om 16:00 uur

Ondanks dat Supergirl erg vermakelijk en cheesy is, is er nog een andere reden om deze show te kijken en dat is: Melissa Benoist. Deze dame is zo ongelofelijk cute en zeer in haar element met de show. Het tweede seizoen is afgelopen nacht in de US van start gegaan en daarom had de website Collider een interview met haar en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Did switching networks from CBS to The CW change the way you make the show, in any way?

: In some ways more than others. Now, we're in a different country, so that's quite a big change. But, it's nice. I think we feel a lot closer than we did. Last year, in L.A., we would go and live our own lives, outside of work. This year, we're all up here (in Vancouver), as a unit. It's really solidified our relationship, as a cast. In the day to day, with the storylines, we're all really happy with the scripts and there are really exciting new stories. Every character is afforded a lot of change. There's a lot to really dig into, and everybody is really excited about it and fulfilled by it. Little small things have changed and we've had to move to a new city, but it's all good and I think it's all for the best. The show is really better off for it.
