Zeven film badasses die zuigde met hun werk

RDJ134 25 november 2010 om 18:45 uur

In veel films lijkt er een behoorlijke bad ass tegenstander of held te zitten die als puntje bij paaltje komt, nogal... zuigt in zijn werk. Daarom heeft de website Cracked.com nu deze top zeven gemaakt en daar op staan oa Star Wars, Lord of the Rings en:

Bishop Aliens

The buildup:

What? You don't think of Bishop the android as one of the badasses in the sci-fi universe? You forget how his character is introduced. The first thing we see him do is handle a combat knife in a way that makes it clear he could remove your heart before you felt the blade pierce your skin. He does a "trick" in which he stabs holes into a table around Bill Paxton's hand at the speed of light, the blade nothing but a blur as he punches notches in the table with robotic precision.

Throughout the rest of the movie, while everyone freaks out about the horror show of the giant spiny aliens and their new death-hive, Bishop shows only contempt. He locks himself in a pipe to Shawshank his way to a radio tower so he can remote-pilot a rescue ship and bring everyone else's sniveling asses to safety. And he refuses to take a gun. We assume if he ran into any aliens he would just beat them to death with his two-ton robot penis. He even earns Ripley's respect despite the fact that she is an android racist.

But then ...

The only alien he comes into contact with rips him in half immediately, causing him to spray milk all over the room like a projectile-vomiting Santa Claus. Shouldn't the man with lightning-fast reflexes have seen the giant monster behind him?

nstead it is left to Ripley and the little girl to fight off the creature while Bishop just kind of sits there and watches. He doesn't even go for an ankle bite. We assume that if the Alien Queen had killed the rest of the survivors, Bishop would've just lain there in the hangar for the rest of time, whistling to himself or something.

And no, don't tell us Bishop is a pacifist due to his programming. Those safeguards are, in his own words, "It is impossible for me to harm or by omission of action, allow to be harmed, a human being."

It's humans he can't kill. If he had an aversion to taking out aliens, they wouldn't have brought him along on an alien-hunting trip. And the part about allowing humans to come to harm due to "omission of action"? How about failing to use your robotic super-reflexes to help them fight the monsters that are biting their faces off?
