Lee Majors over zijn rol in Ash vs Evil Dead

RDJ134 17 oktober 2016 om 15:55 uur

Als je geen oude nerd bent of liefhebber van retro tv series, dan weet je niet wie Lee Majors is aka The Six Million Dollar Man een science-fiction serie uit de jaren zeventig die zeer populair was. Wie denkt dat 77 jarige Lee Majors achter de geraniums zit, heeft het goed mis want hij speelt de vader van Ash in de TV serie Ash vs Evil Dead. Daarom had de website Collider een interview met deze cult held en daar van kan je hier onder een stukje lezen.

Collider: How did you come to this show? Did Bruce Campbell reach out to you about doing this?

: No, they went through my agency and asked if I would be interested. I said, "I'm not familiar with the show, or all the old films." I've never really done any horror pictures. Most of my work has been family-oriented action shows. But I said, "Let me take a look at the first couple of episodes of the first season." So, I sat and watched the pilot, and then I ended up watching all 10 episodes in a row. It really reels you in, and I thought it was done so great. The cinematography was great, and everything was really good. Even though it's so gory sometimes with the chainsawing, but he throws out such funny lines when he does it, it takes away from it being that bad. Bruce can be slashing somebody, but he makes it funny, so the horror doesn't really come through as much. So, that's the way it started, and I said, "Yeah." Then, they said, "It's in New Zealand." And I said, "New Zealand?! That's a long way!" But, I did it and fell into a cast of marvelous people.
