Ryan Phillippe over de opnames en controverse van Shooter

RDJ134 16 november 2016 om 12:00 uur

In Amerika is het eerste seizoen van Shooter al weer een tijdje te zien, en deze is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige film uit 2007 met de onderbroeken rapper Marky Mark in de hoofdrol. Het verhaal gaat over een sniper die na zijn tour in eenzaamheid leeft, maar terug komt omdat iemand de president wilt vermoorden. Als je de film hebt gezien weet je dat hij opgezet werd en op de vlucht sloeg en op een hilarische manier wraak nam. De website Collider had een interview met Ryan Phillippe over zijn rol in de serie en alle controverse er om heen. Dus goed leesvoer over een hele nette show.

With all of the skills this guy has, the physical stunts and the sniper work, did any of the training feel especially challenging, or did you take to it easier than you thought you would?

: I found out that I'm a pretty natural shot, when it comes to the sniper rifle. I hit a 12-inch target at almost 900 yards away on my second shot, in front of the Marines and they were all really impressed. One of the most enlightening parts of my prep process was discovering the extensive nature of the skill set of a special operations solider. These guys are put into immersive language classes before they're deployed to a country like Afghanistan. They're trained in field surgery and medicines. These guys are a cut above the average human being, just in the way they're tested and the money that's put into their training. They estimate that a special operations soldier's training value is somewhere around $7 million. These guys are tested and trained, and they're highly intelligent, and we wanted to show that intelligence. It's not all brawn and gunplay, in terms of how he gets out of this situation. It's also using his brain. He's constantly making calculations.
