Watch Dogs 2: T-Bone Chaos Event - Introduction & Challenge 1

RDJ134 20 december 2016 om 00:35 uur

Zoals je hier in mijn recensie kon lezen is Watch Dogs 2 een hele leuke game die gewoon lekker weg speelt en erg vermakelijk is. ER komt nu DLC voor uit en daarom is er een evenement waarbij je de nodige spullen kan unlocken. Maar daar over kan je hier onder meer lezen en zien.

The T-Bone Chaos Event starts now. To celebrate the T-Bone Bundle DLC released on PS4 this week, we'll be unlocking a new challenge on Ubisoft Club every week for the next four weeks, featuring unique in-game rewards like the T-Bone Chaos Event bag and car skin that you can only get by participating. Everyone can participate in this event and you do not need to own the DLC. Your first challenge is to become a bounty target and successfully escape five times. Do this, and you'll earn the T-Bone Chaos Event bag. A new challenge begins the following Monday. Good luck.

Challenge #1: Quite The Warm Up
Begins Dec. 19 and ends Dec. 25.
Reward: T-Bone Chaos Event bag
