Carrie-Anne Moss over het tweede seizoen van Human en The Matrix

RDJ134 14 februari 2017 om 10:00 uur

Humans is een nieuwe science-fiction serie dit jaar op de Amerikaanse TV was te zien. Hier in heeft iedereen in de toekomst een 'Synth' wat een soort van Robot butler is. Waneer een familie een refurbished Synth koopt komen ze er al snel achter dat er iets mis mee is. De show deed het zo goed dat het een tweede seizoen heeft gekregen. Nu speelt niemand minder Carrie-Anne Moss in deze serie en daarom had zij een interiew met de website Collider en uiteraard kwam ook The Matrix (1999) ter sprake.

So you are playing a new character this season. Can you say a little about, is your character human or synth?

Yeah, I play a scientist. Her name is Athena. Yeah, I'm a human being who is interested in AI, and she's pretty smart.

What do you like working with these stories? Obviously, The Matrix is a story about technology as it relates to humanity and where we're going, and so is this. What appeals to you about those kinds of stories?

: Well, I like stories about the world, where we're at. I like to explore humanity. I like to explore my own humanity. I've never been attracted to sci-fi, per se. People tell me I'm in a genre kind of movie, but it never crossed my mind that The Matrix was genre. To me it was about, for me anyway, my character, I had this rock outside my door which said "faith" or "believe" or something, and I remember felt like that was my key into her, into Trinity. It was like she was the heart of it. I intellectually did not understand what I was doing when I did that role, but I definitely felt it in my feeling body, in my self. But I couldn't have explained it to anybody. So that's not ever necessarily my gift, to explain, so much as I just feel things pretty deeply. So I just love to play characters that are layered and that I can relate to in some way, even if they're completely different than me; that I can see a glimpse of humanity and something I'm interested in exploring.
