Hannah New over haar rol als Eleanor in Black Sails

RDJ134 6 maart 2017 om 15:25 uur

Het briljante en must see Black Sails is zo goed als afgelopen en dat betekend ook dat de cast nog even een rondje langs de pers maakt om de hele boel te promoten. Zo had de website Collider een interview met Hannah New over haar rol als Eleanor Guthrie en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

This show has undoubtedly pushed the limits of what a TV show can do, and it's been a massive undertaking, for four seasons. Looking back on it, what are you most proud of having been able to accomplish with this show?

There's so much that we've been able to do. Personally, for me, with Eleanor, it's not really about the scale of stuff, but it's more about the complexity of who she is. The writers gave a female character to me that was so controversial, in so many ways. She's not a simple character. There's no banal dichotomy of good vs. evil in this show. You end up having character where you don't always agree with what they do, but they do it for a particular reason and you have to just fight for that motive. For me, that's been the most satisfying thing to play.

The audience didn't always like her, and that's been incredible for me. It's been an incredibly formative experience. I had just left drama school, when I first started on the show. To me, there was so much to learn. The skill set from the people around me was just amazing, so I knew I had so much that I could draw from. There are so many layers to the arc of Eleanor's story, in particular. Now that they've given her, her death, we can see that. I think about, how would I feel if Eleanor hadn't died and her story wasn't necessarily complete at the end of these four seasons, and I think I would feel very differently. At the end of the day, there were so many beautiful things that we worked on, in her backstory, that weren't necessarily voiced in the script, but that are symbolically there, in the way in which she dies.
