Styx: Shards of Darkness - Launch Trailer

RDJ134 10 maart 2017 om 14:08 uur

De eerste Styx game die een tijdje geleden verscheen is zelfs al eens gratis geweest voor Xbox Live en schijnt heel erg leuk te zijn als het stealth genre je ding is. Er komt een nieuw deel aan die vanaf 14 maart verkrijgbaar is. Om dit te vieren is er nu een trailer en persbericht verschenen die je beiden hier onder kan vinden.

Styx: Shards of Darkness, the Stealth game from Cyanide Studio, releases Tuesday March 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC! Players will take control of agile goblin thief Styx, as he assassinates, sneaks and snarks his way across an immense, dark fantasy world filled with deadly secrets and enemies. Watch the game's groovy launch trailer for a taste of Styx's abilities, quick acrobatics, and even quicker tongue!

Styx's latest adventure sees him making an unexpected deal with a mysterious human officer named Helledryn - and she's got a job with far higher stakes than anything he's tackled before. He must steal an ambassador's scepter, which has attracted the interest of several nefarious (and goblin-hating) parties. As a reward for completing this dangerous mission, he's promised a mountain of magical Amber, the source of Styx's power and a substance he's hopelessly addicted to. Of course, it's not long until our green-skinned thief is stuck in a web of intrigue and assassination!

Master the verticality and non-linearity of Styx: Shards of Darkness' open environments with an array of tools and abilities. Struggling to bypass a heavily guarded entrance? Scout the path ahead using your amber vision, distract the guards with a controllable goblin clone, then emerge from temporary invisibility to stab them in the back! Styx will always have a wide range of dastardly creative methods for completing his objectives - and if you join a friend in the drop-in coop, you'll discover even more ways to unleash chaos!

Styx: Shards of Darkness releases Tuesday March 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
