The Elders Scrolls Collectors Edition slachtoffer van schietpartij

RDJ134 11 mei 2017 om 13:55 uur

In de USA aka Murica kan je leven in een seconde voorbij zijn, zo zit je te gamen en het volgende ogenblik is je The Elders Scrolls Collectors Edition geraakt door een rond vliegende kogel. Dit is wat een gamer met de naam RabbitMix is overkomen. Dus wat doe je behalve de politie bellen?? precies anno 2017 er over praten met het grote boze internet. Zijn verhaal is ook Bethesda niet ontgaan en deze waren zo aardig om hem een heel nieuw exemplaar toe te sturen.

A user by the name of RabbitMix shared details of the experience on Reddit. They say that there was a sharp pop followed by the sound of breaking glass. Initially, they thought it might be a busted lightbulb.

"I was at my desk playing Prey last night," they wrote in a post on Imgur, "[and] soon noticed the cloud of drywall dust in the air and a bullet hole to the left of my monitor. I started looking for where the bullet had ended up and my heart sunk as I saw this hole in my Elder Scrolls Anthology."

It seems as though the round entered the open end of the book-shaped compilation, which includes DVD copies of The Elder Scrolls: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim as well as their various expansions. In this case it looks like Morrowind, including its Bloodmoon expansion, took the brunt of the impact. Obviously, things could have been much worse than the loss of an $80 collector's edition.

When he realized what had happened, RabbitMix called the police, who soon arrived and took the bullet as evidence. Bethesda has since reached out and offered to replace the product with an identical copy.
