Oudste Kodi addon Navi-X stopt er mee

RDJ134 12 mei 2017 om 01:30 uur

Kodi is een prachtig stukje media center software waar mee je alle kanten op kan, omdat het modulair is en je third party addons kan toe voegen en zo diverse (lees vaak illegale) content kan streamen. Way back in 2007 toen Kodi nog de naam XBMC droeg en enkel te gebruiken was op een gemodde OG Xbox, was er een addon die alle aandacht trokt van de gebruikers. Namelijk Navi-X die begon met legale content te linken in een simpele addon, en later vonden veel illegale kanalen hun weg naar deze simpele uitbreiding en kon je TV series, films en sport streamen.

Maar aan al het goede komt een einde, want de mensen achter het project stoppen er nu mee omdat het klimaat rond om de illegale Kodi boxen (nu verboden in Nederland) zorgt voor ophef. Dus is er besloten om de handoek in de ring te gooien, en nemen ze afscheid met dit persbericht, waar van je hier onder een klein stukje kan lezen.

Every good thing must come to an end. After ten years of successful operation, Navi-X has sadly being discontinued. Navi-X was first released in April 2007, and is the oldest Kodi addon of its kind. There are a few reasons why we made the decision to close Navi-X, and hope that the hundreds of thousands of people who still used Navi-X daily will understand why it was best to discontinue Navi-X while it was still on top.

The main reason why the decision was made to discontinue the Navi-X service is the current legal climate surrounding Kodi. In case you aren't aware, the abundance of preloaded Kodi box sellers has resulted in a lot of heat on Kodi in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. It's unfortunate, because the people who are bringing the heat have nothing to do with the Kodi community anyway, they're just leeches trying to profit from the hard work of Kodi developers. Nevertheless, hosting Navi-X playlists is no longer something we feel comfortable doing due to the potential liability that comes with it.

On a high note, Navi-X was not shut down by anyone, the decision to close it was voluntary. At this point, we'd like to thank those who worked so hard on developing Navi-X, starting with rodejo16 and turner3d, and in more recent times Blazetamer and crzen. We'd also like to recognize all the dedicated playlisters, who we invite to get in touch with us if they are interested in releasing their own addons sometime in the near future. Last but not least, thank you to all the users for your continuous support of our community!
