The Best Game Room Tour Ever - 2000+ Video Game Collection

RDJ134 4 juni 2017 om 02:19 uur

De laatste maanden was het opvallend stil rond om de grof gebekte Alpha Omega Sin die altijd wel ergens een mening over heeft. Maar eindelijk is er een teken van leven en niet zo'n klein beetje ook. Want in de onderstaande video geeft hij je een tour door zijn GameRoom en laat hij zijn collectie zien.

AlphaOmegaSin returns with an epic game room tour showcasing my whole video game collection. This game room tour has been a long time coming and this video game collection has been amassing for a long ass time now and continues to build. It all started with the PS1 and has turned into the massive as fuck disc and cartridge beast you see before you on here.

I genuinely worked my ass off on making this as best as I possibly can because I wanted to make sure you all got something awesome, I really hope you enjoy this. If you liked the video give it a thumbs up and leave some love in the comments, unless you hated the hell out of it in which case by all means thumb it down and leave some hate lol Either way thank you all an absolute ton for watching m/
