Trey Edward Shults over It comes at Night

RDJ134 10 juni 2017 om 16:35 uur

Aankomende week kunnen we in Nederland gaan genieten van één van de meeste besproken horror films van dit jaar, want de recensies uit de US zijn lovende over deze flick. Ter promotie had de website Coming Soon een interview met Trey Edward Shults en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen. So after the movie I was joking with a friend that "It Comes at Night" felt like an episode of "The Walking Dead" that a writer turned in to deliberately get fired. Not because it's a bad movie, but just because it's so unrelentingly bleak. Can you speak to the bleak tone of the piece?

Trey Edward Shults
: Yeah. It comes from a really personal place. I had a rough relationship with my dad. I hadn't seen him in over ten years when he got pancreatic cancer. I was with him on his deathbed and he had so much regret. I just wanted him to find peace. It was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, and certainly when I was processing grief and all my fears about this big, heavy stuff it just came out into this thing. It was important to keep intact what that was, that initial purge. To me, yes, the movie's bleak, but I think there's positivity in that. I think talking about what this movie is about and having to confront that is a positive thing. To deal in that subject matter I think you've gotta go there, otherwise it's a comic book.
