Zit Han Solo in elke aflevering van Firefly??

RDJ134 13 januari 2011 om 19:07 uur

Veel films en TV series hebben verborgen hints of grappen. De meest bekende daar van is de zgn 1138 easter egg, want in elke film,game of project waar ILM bij betrokken is zal je deze cijfers in één of andere vorm tegen komen. Maar vandaag dook er op deze website het gerucht op dat er een beeldje van Han Solo in Carbonite in elke aflevering van de inmiddels al lang en breed gestopte TV serie van Firefly verborgen zit, om het te bewijzen heeft de schrijfster er al enkele gevonden.

've been spending more time than usual looking up obscure references for all the nooks and crannies of Serenity. In one of my many prop searches in the very late (um, early) hours when my eyes were drooping, I thought I saw Han Solo and Firefly in the same sentence. That's actually not so uncommon since Captain Malcom Reynolds is like Solo in more than a few ways. I blinked. No, the website said Han Solo in Carbonite and Firefly in the same sentence.


As it turns out, a Han Solo in Carbonite was brought on set since Nathan Fillion is such a huge Star Wars fan. The props team joked around and added it to sets whenever they could, it apparently became a running joke. It didn't get grabbed out of every scene before shooting though.
