Jared Leto over Blade Runner 2049, Tron en Suicide Squad 2

RDJ134 14 oktober 2017 om 23:23 uur

Oscar winner Jared Leto is één van de meest getalenteerde acteurs die er in Hollywood rond loopt. Recent was hij te zien in Blade Runner 2049 en daarom had de website Collider dit interview met hem en daar in kwam ook Tron en Suicide Squad 2 ter sprake.

Totally. So when you were growing up and even now, when you watched the original Blade Runner, do you consider Harrison a replicant or do you like the not knowing?

: Well there's this scene where I look into his mind, right? I don't know if it's in the movie anymore. But Denis told me, I said, "Denis, what do I see?" And it's like a long pause, he walked away a few paces and he comes back and he says, "This is your decision to make. You decide whether he is a replicant or not," so in some way, I'm the one that has the secret now.

Well you see I gotta be honest, when I watched the film and obviously we're getting into spoilers but whatever, I took away that is he fucking with Deckard basically saying, "Are you a replicant? Was this all predetermined? Was this what Tyrell wanted or is he just sort of trying to get in his head?"

: Yeah, I mean you could take it even as a step further and maybe there was no first Blade Runner. Maybe those are implanted memories.
