Jessica Camacho over haar rol als Gypsy in The Flash

RDJ134 18 oktober 2017 om 17:53 uur

Al sinds een tijdje duikt in de Amerikaanse TV serie het karakter Gypsy op die wordt gespeeld door de actrice Jessica Camacho. De website Collider had een interview met haar over en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

Collider: What's it like to no longer be the new cast member on set? Is it still as fun and exciting, even though it's no longer as shiny and new?

: Yeah, and I think it's cooler. You know who your fellow cast members are a little more. You develop a rapport and, in that, there's a greater comfort and a greater ease in doing the scenes as your characters because you understand their characters a little more, you know their quirks, and you know their strengths. You develop a trust and a bond and a relationship. To me, it got more fun as we went along because we spent so much time together and we grew with each other. It was really nice to find myself gelling in that very comfortable zone with the rest of the cast.

When you signed on for The Flash, did you always know that you'd be a serious love interest for Cisco, and not just have a fun banter and flirtation together?

No! That's one of the many cool things about what we do, as actors. You really never know the direction that it's gonna take, and a lot of that does have to do with the chemistry that you have with your castmates and the chemistry that the characters have with each other. In meeting Cisco, we were able to discover that they're great together. The chemistry that Carlos [Valdes] and I have is a natural chemistry that comes out in our characters, and that influenced and guided the direction that we are now seeing take place, which is so awesome. I didn't know anything! I feel so grateful to see the grateful that it's taken, for sure.
