Korte film: Beyond Black Mesa

RDJ134 22 januari 2011 om 01:11 uur

Ook vandaag hebben we weer een hele vette korte film voor je klaar staan. Deze keer is het een twaalf minuten durende fan made film gebaseerd op Half Life, en deze heeft de titel Beyond Black Mesa gekregen.

Beyond Black Mesa is a short Independent fan film Inspired by the Half-Life Video Game series. This is an action packed short film centering around Adrian Shephard and a band of resistance fighters struggling to get out a warning about the impending invasion.

- Independent short film - 2 years in the making - Endless hours of post
- 1 Canon HV20
- 7 Friends
- $1,200 budget for the full short film.

This film is not HL,HL2 or Opposing Forces. It's a short fan film that takes place in the Half-Life world. Also, as a completely independent film, we wanted to have a creative voice in the movie and make it a movie that we would enjoy shooting. We took artistic freedoms and liberties, unfortunately most of those decisions were determined by our limited resources.

