Vijf goede films over slechte mensen

RDJ134 26 januari 2011 om 19:08 uur

In veel films kunnen we zien hoe de hoofdrol speler(s) dingen doen die niet echt helemaal door de beugel kunnen. Dat heeft de website deze top vijf doen maken, en daar staat niet Alleen The Godfather of de Star Wars prequels op, maar ook:

. The Boondock Saints

Wait, what!?

After they kill a few Russian mobsters in a scuffle, the MacManus brothers--Connor and Murphy--experience a divine revelation telling them to punish the wicked. They take on the Boston mob in a hail of bullets. They execute the patriarch "Papa Joe" Yakavetta with their father in the middle of a courtroom. Then, they flee to Ireland before returning in the sequel, All Saints Day. Sounds good, right? Operating with the full support of God Himself and the Catholic Church, the brothers act as angelic vigilantes. They even say a family prayer before putting two bullets through the eyes of their last target, then leaving coins on the eyes of their dead. Think about this, though. There's a phrase for people that hear God telling them to kill: "batshit insane."

Go on.

The Punisher is driven and remorseless, but he doesn't claim to have a divine mandate. The Saints think they're not only doing the right thing, but the holy thing. That's pretty scary. In the real world, we call people like that terrorists and serial killers. Nobody likes the mobsters they gun down, but we get back to the same problem that every vigilante has--not everyone is guilty, and not every criminal deserves to die. But hey--that prayer is really cool and they look badass swinging through windows with that sweet techno music playing. And, at least neither of them has killed their brother, unlike...
