Elizabeth Olsen en Paul Bettany over Avengers: Infinity War

RDJ134 26 maart 2018 om 23:20 uur

De hype rond om Avengers: Infinity War begint goed op gang te komen, want over een kleine maand is deze film in de Nederlandse bioscopen te zien. Zo had de website Collider dit interview met Elizabeth Olsen en Paul Bettany over hun rollen in de film, en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje vinden.

What can you say about both of your characters, and what they've been doing between the events of Civil War and now?

: We have stayed separate teams, and the people on Cap's side have been fighting more rogue missions. Hence, we all look a bit different to suggest being in hiding, and we've been trying to - within that time - find points of meeting in different places in order to try and forward our relationship.

We've asked the rest of the cast how they relate to Thanos and how they feel about him, and they were talking about it in very abstract ways, but for your characters it's actually very personal because if Thanos gets what he wants your romance would end. Who knows what would happen to Vision. So from that point of view, does Thanos perhaps frighten your characters more than the rest of the team?

BETTANY: He is, like I said, I think he's a real dick. [Laughs] I just found out what it means to be human and now this Thanos guy ... yeah, I don't know. I think for everybody the stakes are so high that I think that it's...

OLSEN: As bad as bad can be.

BETTANY: As bad as bad can be.
