Negen robots die de wereld niet gaan overnemen

RDJ134 14 februari 2011 om 19:21 uur

Naast de dreigingen van een Zombie Apocalypse, Skynet is er ook nog de mogelijkheid dat robots op een dacht proberen de macht te grijpen. Maar die uit deze top negen van de website Topless Robot zullen daar niet bij zijn, want die zijn nogal..... wussy. Zoals:

7) Muffit II from Battlestar Galactica

I really don't care how much you loved the original Battlestar Galactica as a child. Muffit II is a freak of nature. I mean, I guess if I were a little kid and my daggit (dog) was killed and there were no more dogs left anywhere I'd settle for a robot equivalent. But not this thing. Muffit II becomes Boxey's pet after his real dog is killed on Caprica but why Dr. Wilker decides to turn the original Muffit into this abomination I'll never understand. Seriously, you get THAT from this? Muffit II was trained to protect his owner and other humans but just like real dogs, they can easily wind up attacking them. And who's to say Muffit II wouldn't rather have a Cylon for a master instead?
Threat Level: 5
