Josh Holloway en Sarah Wayne Callies over het derde seizoen van Colony

RDJ134 3 mei 2018 om 02:06 uur

Afgelopen nacht is in Amerika het alweer derde seizoen van de science-fiction serie Colony van start gegaan en zien we hoe het verzet tegen een buitenaardse invasie verder gaat. Ter gelegenheid van deze launch had de website Collider een interview met de hoofdrol spelers Josh Holloway en Sarah Wayne Callies en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje vinden. Mijn recensie van het eerste seizoen kan je overigens hier lezen.

Season 2 showed us a little bit more about the alien culture and that there are different factions. How will that world broaden this season?

: Right away, you're going to learn quite a bit and go, "Oh, shit." There's going to be a very cool moment where the science fiction opens up, broadens quite a bit quickly.

CALLIES: You know that moment where there were these people in Afghanistan that the US decided to arm so they could beat the Soviets? And then a little bit later, the US was like, "Oh, wait, maybe that wasn't a great idea?" We kinda have a moment like that.

When you are talking about fighting back, it seems like such an unfair fight. The aliens clearly have technology that we don't understand. Do you have the tools to fight back?

: I think that's our hope with the Gauntlet. Our hope is that the Gauntlet and whatever wrap they've captured will finally level the playing field. I always get that Tiananmen Square image of the guy and the tank. Is this just a symbolic resistance? Or is there actually the potential to affect a change. I think the hope from the beginning with the Gauntlet, especially when Noah shows up and says, "We've got this Rap and all of that."

HOLLOWAY: And Broussard's discovery, they are able to interface with the drones and possibly control. That is step one: drones. You don't even get to the Raps before you're obliterated by these damn drones, so it's step-by-step in figuring out tactically what we can do. In Will's world, still not enough info, but making progress to it.
