Screen Writers Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick over het maken van Deadpool 2

RDJ134 17 mei 2018 om 15:52 uur

Bereid je maar voor op een shitload aan nieuws over Deadpool 2, want deze draait vanaf vandaag in de Nederlanders bioscopen en morgen in Amerika. Dus springen niet alleen een hoop websites hier handig op in met hun content, maar verschijnen er ook veel promo werk en interviews. Zo had de website Coming Soon een interview met Screen Writers Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een klein stukje lezen. You guys very famously spent years and years hitting a lot of walls trying to get "Zombieland" made and then the same experience trying to get "Deadpool" made. What was it like writing a movie like "Deadpool 2" where the studio was probably banging down your door to write it?

Rhett Reese
: It was a little bit of the opposite in the sense that we started writing in June of 2015. When we wrapped principal photography on "Deadpool 1" we started writing "Deadpool 2." By writing, I use that air quotes because it was really more trying to break the story. There was a ton of pressure. There was a lot of scrutiny and there was a lot of when is it going to be done from the studio, but more importantly just from fans. "When are we going to get to see a 'Deadpool 2?'" The expectations were pretty high and it was definitely harrowing for us.

Paul Wernick: Despite the pressure, the key to us was getting it right. I think the studio wanted to get it right, too, so it wasn't them rushing us into production going, we don't care what's on the page just make the movie. It was, let's make the movie but let's make it right. We did spend three years basically developing, writing, you know, from start to finish on this movie.
