Tien toffe TV series die na één seizoen stopte

RDJ134 25 februari 2011 om 19:37 uur

Door dat The Cape een vroege dood lijkt te sterven, spelen veel websites hier nu handig op in met leuke artikelen. Zo heeft de website Uproxx deze top tien gemaakt van hele goede TV shows waar na één seizoen de stekker uit ging. Onze favoriet is Caprica geworden, hoewel Firefly (en Kingpin die niet op de lijst staat) ook onze voorkeur heeft.

Doesn't life just seem better when Eric Stoltz is around? It's hard to say why exactly. It's not like he's that warm of a character. In a warmness contest he'd have a hard time coming in before Jay Mohr (most unlikable famous person ever), but whenever the Stoltz man rears his coppered head I can't help but feel like everything is going to be ok.

Caprica was the Syfy prequel to the (relatively speaking) giant hit Battlestar Galactica. It utilized cheesy Syfy-style special effects to tell the story of how the Cylons (androids who later decide to stick it to earthlings) were created. Despite looking like it was made as a senior animation project whenever the Cylon is on screen, the story was totally solid. There was also a virtual reality video game world that players started to treat like real life (which would seem more far fetched if I hadn't just come out of a 3 week World of Warcraft binge to find all of my pets had entered into some kind of Battle Royale where amazingly only the canary survived).

Caprica was also Alessandra Torressani's big coming out party. (Unless you count her being the first incarnation of Ann Veal on Arrested Development. Torressani only played Ann for one episode and then was replaced by Mae Whitman who is now on Parenthood and who, up until today, I actually thought WAS Alessandra Torresani minus a month or two of P90X.) But anyway this was Alessandra's big moment to shine. And when I say shine I mean shine like the moon. She is the very definition of moonfaced. I swear I can see Neil Armstrong's footprints on her forehead.
