Andrew Lincoln over de reden waarom hij stopt met The Walking Dead

RDJ134 31 juli 2018 om 16:37 uur

Andrew Lincoln die in de TV serie The Walking Dead de rol van Rick speelt heeft in een interview de echte reden verteld waarom hij stopt met deze show. De reden is simpel, hij woont in Engeland en moet steeds naar Amerika afreizen voor opnames en dat begint zijn tol te eisen op hem en zijn familie. Maar daar over kan je hier vinden.

As for why the star is leaving the biggest TV series in basic cable history, the reason is simple: family. Lincoln lives in England and The Walking Dead shoots for over half the year in Georgia, keeping him away from his wife and kids for prolonged stretches of time. "I have two young children, and I live in a different country, and they become less portable as they get older," says the man who helped change the zombified face of television. "It was that simple. It was time for me to come home."
