Spider-Man: Far From Home set foto's en video tonen nieuw Spider-Man pak

RDJ134 13 oktober 2018 om 17:36 uur

De opnames van Spider-Man: Far From Home zijn nog in volle gang en omdat iedereen een telefoon met camera heeft, duiken er zo nu en dan nieuwe foto's op. Zo kan je hier onder een setje foto's en een video zien. Dus ram op play en check it.

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WOW... what a great day it was yesterday! Not only was I was lucky enough to be one of the first people to see his new suit in person but I was also able participate in this scene for 'Spider-Man: Far From Home'. They let me come in the frame as an extra! I really hope this scene makes it in to the theatrical cut and I hope you could see me 😂 I'll be wearing a construction vest and I was right behind him when he lands with MJ. Also, I've seen comments and posts where people don't like the black (and yes it is BLACK no matter where the light hits it. It is NOT dark blue). Trust me, the suit is dope and it's full of amazing details. You'll love it! | this pic was taken by yours truly 🤗 ~Magneto | • • • No copyright infringement intended and if you repost give us credit! • • • #marvel #marvelcomics #marvelstudios #mcu #spiderman #spidey #peterparker #tomholland #zendaya #farfromhome #spidermanfarfromhome #ned #avengers #thanos #infinitywar #avengers4 #comics #comicbooks

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