Mortal Kombat demo heeft serieuze AI problemen *update 17:15*

RDJ134 17 maart 2011 om 20:23 uur

De website heeft een behoorlijke flaw in de PlayStation 3 demo van Mortal Kombat gevonden. Het is eigenlijk simpel en te belachelijk voor woorden tegelijk. Want je neemt een karakter druk de d-pad zijn richting op en slaan maar. Het resultaat is dat je altijd wint, hopelijk is dit dadelijk niet zo in de full retail game.

Update: Ed Boon heeft via Twitter een reactie gegeven op het probleem.

Ed Boon who told us the following - "Yes, fixed a long time ago. ".

The way it works if if you pick a player, and keep pushing the directional pad (left or right) and punch (square) on PS3, the CPU seems unable to handle the flurry of punches because they are too slow. There are times when the CPU will do something to avoid it, but these are pretty isolated incidents. Memories of the E-honda slap come to mind from the early SF games. We've tried the same mechanism with other fighters, and the same end result is achieved too, even if it is a bit more difficult.

A special note

This flaw has been found in the Mortal Kombat demo for the PS3. We appreciate that it is a demo, but the final game is very close to release so naturally it is hugely concerning. Hopefully the developers can iron things out. However, as a wise man once told us, it is important that the gameplay as well as graphics are improved with a 'next generation title'. Unfortunately, the demo of MK seems to flout this rule for now.

Also please note this is the opinion of Maxconsole, others may feel that this flaw doesn't 'ruin the game' but for us it does.
