De vijf beste en de vijf slechtste films van Stephen King

RDJ134 21 maart 2011 om 17:16 uur

Stephen King is weer helemaal hot in Hollywood, want zo is hij druk bezig om te zorgen dat The Dark Tower in een TV serie wordt omgezet. Maar ook het gerucht dat hij een episode voor seizoen 2 van The Walking Dead zal schrijven. Maar goed wie terug kijkt op de verfilmingen van zijn boeken kan spreken van een fifty fifty succes. Zo zijn er vele slechte films verschenen maar ook een aantal meester werken. Dus voor de website Topless Robot tijd om een lijst van de vijf beste en vijf slechtste verfilmingen te maken. Ik mist Pet Sematary, IT, The Langoliers, The Stand, The Shining en vele anderen. Maar goed het is niet mijn lijst, welke films mis jij en waarom??



Stephen King wrote for years without any publisher taking notice until finally, Carrie became a success in 1974. His first published book was so popular that it spawned this film two years later by director Brian De Palma, who would later go on to do Scarface and Mission: Impossible. Carrie White is a strange, pale, gangly girl who is estranged from her classmates. Her mother, Margaret, is a member of a fundamental Christian sect of her own making and is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying women in the King universe. She has a closet where she often locks Carrie, along with the most disturbing crucifix ever conceived. Upon menstruating for the first time, Carrie realizes that she has telekinetic powers. One girl who teased Carrie does everything in her power, including giving up her prom date and shot at prom queen, to give Carrie one night in the starlight. At the same time, another girl kicked from the prom for teasing Carrie (her boyfriend played a very young John Travolta) ruins the evening in this scene.

Carrie's revenge is unrelenting. While this might have struck fear into the popular kids at school and should perhaps be at the heart of anti-bulling campaigns, it is by far not the scariest part of the film. Both Sissy Spacek (Carrie) and Piper Laurie (Margaret) earned academy award nominations for this film and I suspect that Piper Laurie deserved it most for being a goddamned creep. Carrie stands the test of time and still scares people. After watching it, it's hard to not have nightmares about your mother smiling with a knife in her hand, making the sign of the cross, and steadily walking toward you.
