Zes cliché film vijanden die niet meer te gebruiken zijn

RDJ134 22 maart 2011 om 16:37 uur

Je kent het wel als je een film kijkt en het gaat over terrorisme je negen van de tien keer een groepering uit het midden oosten krijgt als de bad guy. Of de Aliens die continue maar onze planeet aanvallen, en deze vijanden zijn ondertussen een standaard bijna niet meer weg te denken Hollywood cliché geworden. Daarom heeft de website Cracked.com deze top zes gemaakt met vijanden die eigenlijk niet meer kunnen, en daar bij staan ook de door ons gevreesde zombies.


With all sorts of human races out of the picture, one of the biggest contenders this past decade have been zombies. Dawn of the Dead sequels (plus remakes and parodies), 28 Days Later, I Am Legend, the Resident Evil games and movies, Left4Dead. Zombies can be even more guilt-free than terrorists, since they're literally not people, or if you actually want some moral ambiguity, you can really push the "they were once your loved ones" angle.

There are no political minefields to tiptoe through, and you can make as many or as few zombies as your budget will let you.

The only problem is that zombies are completely mindless, or at best, at a primitive level of civilization (I Am Legend). You can't have them found a monolithic military empire or create a global conspiracy that the hero has to outsmart. Outsmarting zombies is probably the least impressive achievement a movie hero can accomplish.

Your hero is never going to be led into a zombie mastermind's high-tech control room where the zombie leader turns around in his chair, explains that he has been expecting him and then elaborates on his evil plan. It would look stupid, like Gremlins 2.

Even if you're a die-hard zombie fan, you have to at least admit there are entire genres of games and movies where the level of difficulty an individual zombie presents just isn't going to cut it.
