Sarah Silverman over haar rol in Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-it Ralph 2

RDJ134 20 november 2018 om 01:55 uur

Sarah Silverman (op wie ik al jaren een crush hebt) zal voor Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-it Ralph 2 terug keren als Vanellope von Schweetz. Ter gelegenheid hier van had ze een interview met de website Coming Soon en daar had ze een hoop te vertellen en daar van kan je hier onder een klein stukje lezen. So it has been about six years since the last Wreck It Ralph movie, when you got the call for a sequel, where you into the idea? Did you always feel there was more material to explore?

Sarah Silverman
: Yeah I mean it's about relationship dynamics and the human condition, it's not like, "Well what are we gonna talk about!?" It's pretty much like tackling stuff like feelings, like insecurity, friendships and how they change and morph and is it okay, and guilt. So they're kind of themes that are really relevant to everyone, whether you're three or ninety-three, you're growing in a perfect world, growing and changing and worried about the people that might be left behind. Feeling guilty about your own ambitions or joys if they don't include your friends.

CS: How does the intimidation of the internet act as a vehicle to explore the insecurities brewing within Ralph and Vanellope's relationship?

I mean it's such a perfect metaphor and also just totally on the nose, just that the internet is this vast expanse and it's also these funhouse mirrors. With Ralph and his insecurity, it becomes really like the antagonist of the movie for him because he's fighting his own insecurity and his wish that his friend be happy, but also that his friend not leave him. The kind of monster that that can be inside us and that we all are made up of feelings. That's all that we are. Sometimes they're not our best selves, but they're still essential and we still deserve love and only if we kind of take it on can we move past it. And just that the internet, if you let it, is kind of a constant bombardment of conflicting ideas and opinions and anger and misplaced rage and it's so chaotic.
